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  1. **设备配置与调试**:根据活动规模与预计人流,缘通租赁为展览中心配置了多台高性能检票闸机,并提前一周进行现场安装与调试。技术人员对每台设备进行了细致的检查,确保所有功能正常运行,同时,还针对可能出现的突发情况制定了应急预案。

  2. **操作培训**:为了确保展览中心的工作人员能够迅速上手,缘通租赁组织了一场专业培训,详细介绍了检票闸机的操作流程、常见问题及解决方法。通过模拟演练,工作人员不仅掌握了操作技能,还增强了应对突发事件的能力。

  3. **活动现场**:博览会期间,检票闸机以其高效、稳定的性能赢得了广泛好评。观众只需将电子门票靠近闸机感应区,即可在几秒钟内完成验证,大大缩短了入场时间,有效缓解了入口拥堵现象。同时,闸机上的实时数据统计功能也为主办方提供了宝贵的客流信息,为未来的活动策划提供了数据支持。






  **English Version**

  **Successful Case of Channel Toll and Ticket Checking Gate Rental in Jingmen City, Hubei Province**

  In Jingmen City, Hubei Province, a city blending ancient and modern elements, cultural activities and economic exchanges are increasingly frequent, with various large-scale exhibitions, sports events, and concerts emerging endlessly. Against this background, Yuantong Leasing has stood out in the field of channel toll and ticket checking gate rentals with its professional equipment leasing services, providing numerous organizers with efficient and convenient leasing solutions. This article will elaborate on the cooperation case between Yuantong Leasing and a large cultural exhibition center in Jingmen City, showcasing how short-term leasing services assisted the client in successfully hosting the event.


  In the autumn of 2023, the Jingmen Cultural Exhibition Center welcomed a highly anticipated International Art Expo, attracting art lovers and collectors from around the world. The Expo not only featured rich exhibition content but also invited numerous internationally renowned artists for live creation and exchanges. Faced with such a large-scale event, the management team of the exhibition center knew the importance of the ticket checking process, which was not only the first line of defense at the event entrance but also crucial for showcasing the organizers professional image. Therefore, they urgently needed an efficient, stable, and easy-to-operate ticket checking system to ensure the smooth progress of the event.

  **Reasons for Choosing Yuantong Leasing**

  After multiple comparisons and investigations, the Jingmen Cultural Exhibition Center ultimately chose Yuantong Leasing as its partner. The channel toll and ticket checking gates provided by Yuantong Leasing not only featured advanced automatic recognition technology for rapid and accurate ticket validation but also offered flexible leasing


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